Thursday, April 27, 2017

Things I Hate

I hate a lot of things. Most of them have to do with some sensory issues I have so they are a little quirky and the list is really long.

I have come up with a concise list that fully encompasses everything else that I hate.

That is all.

[Image description: a handwritten list on lined paper. It is written with green ink and says "board games - mini golf - small talk]

Saturday, April 22, 2017


My husband and I have been learning kettlebells from my friend who is a trainer in our closest city. We have to drive almost an hour in the middle of the day to make it work. Today we worked cows in the morning and had to stop our fencing job to come to the city.

On such a beautiful day it felt stupid to stop our farm work and drive to the city for our training. Plus we were kind of grumpy with each other because...well you know. Working with your spouse is not always easy.

But we got to train outside and it.was.amazing. We train barefoot and it felt so good to be active with the grass under our feet.

Yes, we are fairly active in our farm jobs, but we are excited about what Kettlebell can do for us and looking forward to getting stronger and having better posture, mobility, and control through our training.

And when my friend sent this photo to me, instead of critiquing my stupid hair, ugly sunglasses, flat feet, and weird expression, I decided to see a badass couple who are choosing each other every day, even when it's hard, and encouraging each other to try new things. <3

Letting Go

In a past season of my life, I would have considered buying milk and eggs at the store a huge failure.

My identity was wrapped up in being a homesteader. I had a milk cow, laying hens, and butcher chickens. We raise our own beef and I gardened with my mom so most of our food was home grown. I loved not depending on the grocery store and doing the work myself.

Then my milk cow got sick/old/frail. When she died 2 years ago, I was surprised to feel relief instead of sadness. I realized that I didn't actually want another milk cow. I was ready to let that part of me go. And it was so nice to go to the store and buy milk  (even if it does cost $6.50/gallon) and not have the hours of work and washing.

I have been "The Chicken Lady" for about 5 years. It was such a part of me that I never even considered that I couldn't be. But this spring I had an epiphany that, same as my milk cow.... I don't need the chickens. I can sell them. I can let that go. I should have done it a year ago but I didn't know that I could. They were causing me to have a constant, low-level anxiety about everything (even though the chores are so was just Too Much).

And it is such a relief. I bought eggs at the store and it was AWESOME. And I am so much happier without my chickens.

It doesn't have to be forever. And it feels good. I coined a motto last fall that I call #allorsomething....just because I recognize I need to kick the All or Nothing mindset, doesn't mean I have all my somethings figured out right now. And that's ok.

I still can't bring myself to buy chicken in the store when we have 1000 pounds of beef in our freezers but maybe someday I'll be ready. :p

What do you have wrapped up in your identity?
Do you have a similar story?
Are you working on letting something go?
Do you need to re-evaluate what you are allowing to be a part of your story?

Stupid Cheese

I would like to know in which universe this cheese makes sense.

Long, skinny cheese is annoying.

If you want to eat it on a saltine cracker you need to cut a slice of cheese and then cut it in half and put both halves on the cracker.

If you want to make melty cheese bread you need to cut 47 pieces to fit width wise, and then cut 1/8th of one end off so it doesn't hang off the top edge.

If you want to cover a casserole dish, FORGETABBOUDIT. Because when you try to shred it, the pathetic, skinny block of cheese breaks and laughs in the face of your supper attempts.

Just chuck the whole block on top and call it extra protein.

On a related note, I also hate "marble" cheese.

It annoys me and I feel the need to share this annoyance with the world. You're welcome.

Friday, April 21, 2017


The best thing about funerals is the egg salad sandwiches. 

I was at my uncle's funeral a few weeks ago and the luncheon afterwards was catered by my aunt's restaurant. It was fine, but it just wasn't the same as having the classic funeral luncheon with open-faced buns made by all the church ladies.

I don't even LIKE egg salad sandwiches but ever since the luncheon I have been thinking about them. So when I was grocery shopping today and saw a pre-made one in the cooler, I stopped to think.

I was just at the dentist getting a filling, so I needed something soft to eat.... it was 11:30 and the smart thing to do is eat... I hate egg salad but this looked delicious.... but what if they didn't use enough mustard powder...omg it's almost $5 this is insane what are you thinking.... BUY THE DAMN SANDWICH STIINA....!!!

So I bought it. And ate every last bit in the car.

Aaaahhhh. Bliss. Tastes like funeral. 😍😍

Monday, April 17, 2017


So today I went to a spin class with my sister.

I have never been to a spin class before.

Turns out it is exactly like the TV spin classes (this shot captured from the remarkably bizarre Netflix show The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt).

The dim, zen-space room. The little white towels. The fake candles. The encouraging welcome and help with setting up your bike. But then.....they turn on pumping music and disco lights (seriously). The instructor in this class even had a headset microphone!

My butt was sore the instant I sat on the bike. 😂 These bikes are so fancy that you actually need to balance on them and you can lean from side to side into "turns". Pretty amazing workout if you can quit giggling because you feel like you're in a sitcom.

First she took us through a warm up, getting us used to the bikes and explained how to turn and balance. She told us about the little button to press to get the display to light up, showing us our RPM.

She took us through an "open road" sequence where we rode hard and fast. Then she took us "up a mountain" by increasing the resistance on our bikes...when we got to the top, she had us decrease the resistance and encouraged us to pedal as fast as we could.

She cited 140 RPM which concerned me as I was up to 108 RPM and kept checking my thighs to ensure they weren't starting a friction fire.

While we were doing this, she shouted at us "You are free!!! Pedal as fast as you can because you are completely free, whipping down this mountain! Free!"

Right. With these special shoes, clipped solidly into the pedals of this stationary bike. Feels free all right. 😄

I'm feeling like that was a great little progression and a nice way to end the class. Pretty proud of myself for keeping up (consistently about 30 RPM under her recommendations but that's pretty fantastic in my opinion) and feeling the happy-tired-sore workout vibes.

Turns out that was just the end of the warm-up. 😱


These spinsters are crazy, folks. I'm happy to report I kept my consistency and made it to the end without starting any fires. I enjoyed it overall but I admit that I was relieved when she said we were done.  The music transitioned, slowing down, to bring us to a zen state with the babbling brook,  tinkly chimes and exotic birds chirping encouragingly.

I was serenaded by the satisfying clicks of the shoes coming off of the pedals and the sound of pathetic squirts from the spray bottles of cleaning solution that everyone used to wipe their sweat off of the bikes.

NOW I feel free, except my legs are so wobbly and my butt is so sore, that I don't think I can go very far.


(PS I actually did quite enjoy it. It was a half hour spin class and there was a 1-hour yin yoga flow afterwards which was really lovely. If you are interested it is at Breathe studio in University Heights [Saskatoon] and they have drop-ins!)