Saturday, April 23, 2011

Canned Conversations

You know when you send a text on your phone, and you can insert a "Canned Message"? The ones on my phone are things like "Running late - see you in 15", "Can't talk now - in a meeting", "Love you too!" or "Where are you?"

These canned messages are, supposedly, things that you would say (text) so often that it would just be easier to go into the canned message folder and select the appropriate response.

I have noticed lately that real-life conversations have similar habits as canned messages on your phone. The ultimate example is the typical meet-you-on-the-street conversation:
"Hi Sally!"
"Hi Maria! How are you?"
"Good, thanks! How about you?"
"Oh good! And how are you?" (I love when this happens - when you forget that you already asked the person how they are, and you ask again...hahahaha....)

To buck the trend here, I always say "FABULOUS!!!" when someone asks me how I am. Even if I'm far from fabulous, I still say it. Many people are taken aback and say "Fabulous?" and give me a funny look. Some people say "Oh, I wish I was fabulous".... here is where I roll my eyes and think to CAN be fabulous, you just have to stop thinking of yourself as drab, boring and annoying.... Even though I think they are drab, boring and annoying....

The majority of canned conversations I've encountered recently have to do with babies, since I have a 15-month old boy.
It started when he was a baby:
"Is he a good baby?" (As if babies could be bad??!!)
"Is he sleeping through the night?" (Um, no, he's a baby and needs to nurse during the night)

Then, progressed once he got older:
"Oh, he's crawling now? HAH BA HA HEEEE, I bet you're one busy mom now!!" (As if I didn't expect it??)

"I bet he's just getting into everything!" (Yes, babies are supposed to be curious, and I like it when he 'gets into' things)

And once he started walking? Oh my, can you just imagine all the smug "HOOoooh boy, I bet you never stop running now!!" comments?

Seriously people. Get original. I'm sick of hearing the exact same conversations wherever I go. Break out from the mold and be fabulous once in a while!!


  1. I like your blog. You are a good writer. Here is my unsolicited advice-- blog more! BTW, I popped over here from GCM.

  2. ROFL, I do that repeating, "Fine, thanks, and how are you?" too many times, far too often. Love this post.

  3. Haha I'm going to have to be fabulous too! I can imagine the reactions. :)

  4. My great-uncle liked to answer "how are you?" with "FANTASTIC! But I AM getting better!" Love his optimism :)

  5. Hooo, boy, I bet you're really running now!

    {ducks XoP}

    I hate repetitive conversations, too.
