Monday, March 7, 2011

Collection of Quirks

What are your quirks? I've recently been thinking about the things that I hate, that make other people go, "huhh? That bugs you??"

Here's my list!

- The Macaroni Sound - you know, the squishing, squelching, disgusting sound of cheesy macaroni being stirred in a big pot. PUKE!!!

- Potato Eyes - there's a story to this one...when I was in college, my mom gave me a box of potatoes. I put them behind the door in my dorm, in a nice dark, cool corner. When I went to get a potato to cook a while later, I lifted the lid to get a beautiful, round, red, potato, and I was bombarded with CREEPY POTATO EYES!!! They had started sprouting in the box and all I could see were potato stalactites (or is it stalagmites?). Freaked me right out. Now, I can't even touch one of those furry purple potato eyes. My husband bugs me about it all the time, and has been known to chase me around the kitchen with a growing potato. *shudder*

- Sometimes my fingernails feel like they are 'sticking' to the skin underneath, and I have to pull the skin away or it gives me the heebie-jeebies.

- I am terrified of the dark. I've been able to control it since our baby was born, and I've had to stumble around in the dark with no choice in the matter. But often, when I'm coming back from the nursery, I do that silly "I'm-not-actually-scared" run/walk and then dive into bed. My understanding husband will cuddle with me and gently say, "Snakes?" And I nod, make sure every appendage is safely under the covers, and snuggle into him.

- I HATE cold dishwater or bathwater. Especially the dishwater that you've been soaking that disgusting casserole dish in. It gives my belly the woopie-wawpees. This is another thing that my stellar husband will rescue me from, no questions asked. He's the best :D

- I get really bugged when someone switches the song on the radio halfway through. If you hear the first couple notes of a song and don't like it, you need to change it NOW. If you're too stupid to recognize that it's a song you don't like, you deserve to be forced to listen to the whole thing.

- When I'm cutting sweet potatoes, I NEED to eat some of it. I've tried to resist, but my mouth waters like crazy and I feel all weird inside unless I take a nice big chomp of crunchy yam. mmmmm!!!

- I'm very picky about bananas. I love to eat them, as bananas. But I HATE them in fruit salad (what a way to ruin a good fruit salad! The poor grapes, apples, oranges and kiwis don't deserve such torture!), smoothies (the first time I got a Booster Juice, I accidentally ordered one that had a banana in it, and I almost cried. My husband can also attest to this. He even offered to switch smoothies with me, but his had a banana in it too. Tragic!), and cereal (ICK! Cheerioes and bananas? Gag me!). But, I love banana bread.
I also a banana that has any black on the skin. I believe this is hereditary, because my mom always comments on how my dad is a princess when it comes to bananas. If you ask my dad about this, he would probably say "I have no idea what you're talking about. I have no recollection of this!". But it's true. Because of this affliction, when there's a banana with black on it, I will strategically place it in the fruit bowl so that my husband eats it. [insert maniacal laughter here]

These are all the ones I can think of for now. This might be a recurring blog post theme as I think of more!

Comment with your quirks!

1 comment:

  1. You make me laugh so much!! Thanks for another great post!!!
